Tumble Radio

Tumble Radio_P.Bulmer.jpg

Client: Self Initiated
Pearson Bulmer Design
Deliverables: Product Design, Coding, Functional Prototype


A radical re-imagination of our interaction with the radio, the Tumble Radio is reductively designed to engage only with our sense of touch and hearing. The radio channel can be changed as the user playfully ‘tumbles’ the product to alternate faces.

Design Challenge

Today’s streaming media offer an overwhelming amount of choice. The traditional radio stands in distinct contrast to these platforms, affording listeners the rare experience of not being able to skip or dictate every song. The Tumble Radio attempts to ask how we can increase the value of auditory entertainment. The answer? A fundamentally re-designed radio that offers a tailored listening experience which focuses on the act of listening without visual stimulus and encourages play and physical engagement.

Tumble Radio Function.png

EVOVE Surfaces


Concept Furniture